How to Set New Year’s Resolutions That Actually Stick
When most of us make resolutions, we’re relying on intention instead of seeking out the tools it actually takes to get the job done.
I’m here to tell you you can set goals that actually stick—without relying on willpower or waiting for the perfect time to start.

Three Tips for Surviving a Sober Thanksgiving
If you’re staying sober and hoping to avoid arguments or political meltdowns, here are three tips to protect your energy from any jiggery-pokery your family may send your way on Thanksgiving.

Four Holiday Gifts Sobriety Has Given Me
These are gifts I never want to take for granted. They remind me that every day I remain sober holds the possibility of new and surprising gifts. That—when it comes to sobriety—the best is always yet to come.

A Recovery Ritual for Samhain
Energy from our past can linger, like an unresolved spirit. Shame, guilt, and regret can cloud our minds and hold us back. Samhain offers a perfect opportunity to confront these lingering emotions, forgive ourselves, and symbolically release them.